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1: = Publications = 2: 3: [1] Ballas N. et al. [including Andrei Stoian (CEDRIC & LaBRI), Jenny Benois-Pineau (LaBRI), Michel Crucianu (CEDRIC)]. [[IRIM at TRECVID 2012: Semantic Indexing and Instance Search>>||rel="__blank" title="PDF"]]. In Proc. of //TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation workshop//, 2012, 12p. 4: 5: [2] Gabriel Sargent (LaBRI), Pierre Hanna (LaBRI) and Henri Nicolas (LaBRI).[[ Segmentation of music video streams in music pieces through audio-visual analysis>>||rel="__blank" title="PDF"]]. In Proc. of //ICASSP//, IEEE, Florence, Italy, May 2014. 6: 7: [3] Karina Ruby Perez Daniel (IPN & LaBRI), Jenny Benois-Pineau (LaBRI), Sofian Maabout (LaBRI), Gabriel Sargent (LaBRI) and Mariko Nakano (IPN). [[Scalable Video Summarization of Cultural Video Documents in Cross-Media Space based on Data Cube Approach.>>attach:CBMI2014Karina.pdf]] 12th //International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing// (CBMI 2014), Klagenfurt, Austria, June 2014. 8: 9: [4] Atoany Fierro-Radilla (IPN), Karina Perez-Daniel (IPN), Mariko Nakano-Miyatake (IPN), Jenny Benois (LaBRI). Dominant Color Correlogram Descriptor for Content-Based Image Retrieval. 3rd //International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing// (ICIVC 2014), Paris, France, September 2014. 10: 11: [5] Montiel Pérez J. Yaljá (IPN), Torres Patiño Juan C. (IPN), Romero Herrera R. (IPN), Ramírez Acosta A. (IPN). Algoritmo para la extracción de frames representativos de video digital. //Congreso Internacional en Ingeniería Electrónica//. Mem. Electro 2014, Vol.36, pp. 250-254. Chihuahua, Chih. México. October 2014. 12: 13: [6] De la O Torres Saúl. (IPN), Martínez Nuño J. Alfredo. (IPN), García Vázquez Mireya S. (IPN), Hernández García Rosaura (IPN). Búsqueda de personas mediante el uso de detección de piel en una secuencia de video. //Congreso Internacional en Ingeniería Electrónica//. Mem. Electro 2014, Vol.36, pp. 255-260. Chihuahua, Chih. México. October 2014. 14: 15: [7] Andrei Stoian (CEDRIC & LABRI), Marin Ferecatu (CEDRIC), Jenny Benois-Pineau (LABRI), Michel Crucianu (CEDRIC). [[Fast cascaded action localization in video using frame alignment>>attach:stoiandtwaction.pdf]]. [[//Intl. Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding//>>||rel="__blank"]], 1-2 November 2014, Paris, France. 16: 17: [8] Atoany Fierro-Radilla (IPN), Karina Perez-Daniel (IPN), Mariko Nakano-Miyatake (IPN), Hector Perez-Meana (IPN), and Jenny Benois-Pineau (LABRI). [[An Effective Visual Descriptor Based on Color and Shape Features for Image Retrieval>>attach:MICAICompleto.pdf||rel="__blank"]]. Proceedings of 13th //Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence//, MICAI 2014, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico, November 16–22, 2014, Part I, pp. 336-348. 18: 19: [9] Andrei Stoian (CEDRIC & LABRI), Marin Ferecatu (CEDRIC), Jenny Benois-Pineau (LABRI), Michel Crucianu (CEDRIC). Scalable action localization with kernel-space hashing, //IEEE International Conference on Image Processing// (ICIP), Québec, Canada, 27-30 septembre 2015. 20: 21: [10] Alejandro Ramirez (IPN), Jenny Benois-Pineau (LABRI), Mireya Saraí García Vázquez (IPN), Andrei Stoian (CEDRIC), Michel Crucianu (CEDRIC), Mariko Nakano (IPN), Francisco Garcia Ugalde (UNAM), Jean-Luc Rouas (LABRI), Henri Nicolas (LABRI), Jean Carrive (INA). The Mex-Culture multimedia platform for the preservation and dissemination of the Mexican Culture. //Content-Based Multimedia Indexing// (CBMI), Prague, 10-12 juin 2015, demo. 22: 23: [11] Gabriel Sargent (CEDRIC & LABRI), Karina R. Perez-Daniel (LABRI & IPN), Andrei Stoian (CEDRIC & LABRI), Jenny Benois-Pineau (LABRI), Sofian Maabout (LABRI), Henri Nicolas (LABRI), Mariko Nakano-Miyatake (IPN), Jean Carrive (INA). A scalable summary generation method based on cross-modal consensus clustering and OLAP cube modeling. To appear in //**Multimedia Tools and Applications**// (**MTAP**), DOI 10.1007/s11042-015-2863-3. 24: 25: [12] Andrei Stoian (CEDRIC & LABRI), Marin Ferecatu (CEDRIC), Jenny Benois-Pineau (LABRI), Michel Crucianu (CEDRIC). Fast action localization in large scale video archives. //**IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology**// (**IEEE TCSVT**), DOI 10.1109/TCSVT.2015.2475835. 26: 27: [13] Atoany Fierro-Radilla (IPN), Karina Perez-Daniel (IPN), Mariko Nakano-Miyatake (IPN), Hector Perez-Meana (IPN), and Jenny Benois-Pineau (LABRI). [[An Effective Visual Descriptor Based on Color and Shape Features for Image Retrieval>>||rel="__blank" target="_blank"]]. Proceedings of 13th //Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence//, MICAI 2014, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico, November 16–22, 2014, Part I, pp. 336-348. 28: 29: [14] Lester A. Oropesa Morales (IPN), Abraham Montoya Obeso (IPN), Rosaura Hernández García (IPN), Sara I. Cocolán Almeda (IPN), Mireya S. García Vázquez (IPN), Jenny Benois-Pineau (LABRI), Luis M. Zamudio Fuentes (IPN), Jesús A. Martinez Nuño (IPN), Alejandro A. Ramírez Acosta (IPN). Video annotations of Mexican nature in a collaborative environment. Part of Proceedings of SPIE Vol.9598 Optics and Photonics for Information Processing IX. SPIE, 9598-24. San Diego, California, USA. 9–13 August 2015. 30: 31: [15] Abraham Montoya Obeso (IPN), Lester A. Oropesa Morales (IPN), Luis Fernando Váquez (IPN), Sara I. Cocolán Almeda (IPN), Andrei Stoian (CEDRIC & LABRI), Mireya S. García Vázquez (IPN), Luis M. Zamudio Fuentes (IPN), Jesús Y. Montiel Pérez (IPN), Saúl A. de La O Torres (IPN), Alejandro A. Ramirez Acosta (IPN). Annotations of Mexican bullfighting videos for semantic index. Part of Proceedings of SPIE Vol.9598 Optics and Photonics for Information Processing IX. SPIE, 9598-28. San Diego, California, USA. 9–13 August 2015. 32: 33: [16] Sargent G. (LABRI & CEDRIC), Hanna P. (LABRI), Nicolas H. (LABRI) and Bimbot F. (LABRI). Exploring the complementarity of audio-visual structural regularities for the classification of videos into TV-program collections. In Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia. Miami, Florida, December 14-16, 2015.
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